Expand your customer base - install funded heat pumps!
Do you have potential customers who'd love to switch to renewable energy but can't afford it? Now there's a way to install a heat pump at a much lower cost.
Evergreen Energy is an Ofgem Approved Investor under the RHI Assignment of Rights scheme. This means we can fully or partially fund heat pumps for your customers, claiming the cost back through the RHI payments.
If you'd like to offer this funding to your customers you can register as an Evergreen Energy Approved Installer using the form below.
Register as an Evergreen Energy Approved Installer
To become an Evergreen Energy Approved Installer simply register your interest using this form. A member of the team will be in touch to talk through next steps and answer any questions you might have.
You can also take a look at our installer guide and FAQ section below for more information.
You can also take a look at our installer guide and FAQ section below for more information.
Installer Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the installer earn?
How much funding will the installation receive?
What is the customer contribution?
Can you provide an estimate of the total funding amount and customer contribution?
How long will it take for the installation costs to be paid?
Who enters into the contract with the customer?
Who arranges the installation?
What is Evergreen Energy’s involvement in each project?